INTERNECION What do you mean by that I was thinking about things outside of but I realized what site we are on
Unknowing-Thorax Brendan i learned that a sprite actually has a useless z variable i say useless becuase i messed around with it a little and it never did anything.
ackvonhuelio Unknowing-Thorax Sprites are objects, so yeah a sprite also has a .ofahiufh property, and a .whyIsAckvonhuelioAwesome property, and a .isThisSpriteAChicken property, etc. but they're all undefined
ackvonhuelio person don't use groups, use arrays instead arrays are like groups without unnecessary bugs and arrays can also hold other values
Nxjfjhdhdhdhdnj In Python it’s x = [] to make an array dunno with Java though. Pretty sure it’s the same
Varrience Nxjfjhdhdhdhdnj are you talking about JS or actual Java, in JS yes this would be an acceptable an acceptable form of declaration, however in Java it's not legal because all types of data must be included and are specific to only 1 type of data hence i use a bit more of a specific classification for arrays even when i am faced with a program that does accept more than 1 type of data
Nxjfjhdhdhdhdnj Varrience I am talking about Java. I know it’s not technically legal code because it’s not properly being declared, I just don’t know how to properly declare it in Java…