Unknowing-Thorax I've now seen that it is possible to do multiplayer with keyvalues (or at least make a server with people to interact) and i want to learn how its done
Varrience well first off it's not simple or realistically fast by any means in fact the most you possibly could do without lag is probably a turn based multiplayer game (and or chats which get remixed to hell) any real time multiplayer game isn't really feasible, what did you have in mind?
Unknowing-Thorax Varrience just wanted to make a multiplayer game, but thanks for letting me know about the lag! i had a complicated game idea that would switch between 2D, 2.5D & 3D. probably make it a turn based game now so ill have to switch some things around
Fluffypoopo Varrience very true That is why you hide it under a project named Questions and have it overly complicated and use an unnecessary amount of tables
ackvonhuelio here is a concept of keyvalue multiplayer i published it a while ago https://studio.code.org/projects/gamelab/Z9oFnRBP4M2woylxDOU8GxhdW0WDVFZlSwghbhkj1og