Skip to the bottom for a link to the open project.
TLDR: I made a user account creation system that also allows for logging in.
For a game i've been making , I wanted progress to be stored for later so players can pick up where they left off. The problem with my original idea is it wasn't really friendly to users playing on separate systems and progress can be wiped if the user's id changes. It wasn't too friendly but it worked for the meantime. I wanted a way to get rid of that issue and I finally crafted the idea and made it reality. It stores 2 key-pair values for the username and password. The current version that I'm linking here has a flaw though. If someone comes up with a name that is the exact same and creates a user, it can completely wipe data. I can fix it but in my current state, I'm too tired to do so. The whole thing is only 115 lines long so it isn't much. Enough reading though, here's the simple user system.
Simple Login