Blockyheadman Alrighty, I updated it to now not overwrite users data. Quite simple to do, just was tired and falling asleep yesterday night.
Blockyheadman person I'd have to look into that but from what I know it's an applab thing. You might be able to make gamelab keys for saves though. like for example a set key of "67thre893lf" for chapter 1 completion and if you enter that in the gamelab game it changes stuff to fit the progress made.
Fluffypoopo Blockyheadman what you can do is have it log the userId so you can log in once then you can have a log out all sessions button, I can get you an entirely unique translation easy so you can have it hard to get into
Blockyheadman Fluffypoopo If you're referring to not letting users overwrite premade save data, I have fixed that in a new update but if it's something else I'd like to hear the changes you'd make. I'm kinda confused by the wording btw.
Fluffypoopo Blockyheadman hackers have multiple of the same and have a system that compares 3+ of the same thing then if someone changes it the system will change it back.
INTERNECION Ok but why hack whats worth to hack there? They should hack Netflix and actually give me movies I want to watch
Fluffypoopo INTERNECION why hack whats worth to hack there? They are 7-year-olds using hacks on the internet to look like they can script and code and look cool. So to answer your question it is so they can claim they are smart but in reality, They are using hacking websites on the internet so they are actually...
Fluffypoopo long story short they want to look cool even though they have no clue what they are doing