Follows a (very) rough outline for a server-client architecture in CDO dependent upon keyValues. This is based off of memory, from that one project I was making before account ban 1. It has the potential to do truly wonderful things, if used correctly.
First off, you would need to establish the server. This would be one of the people currently using the project.
var serverIdConnection = new Connection("serverId",function(e){
if(getTime()-e[1]>SERVERTIMEOUT){ //server timeout is a predefined constant
window.serverIdConnection.Post(new Request(uid), function(){
}) //preferably the uid value given from Vault (has md5)
Along with that, in the draw function would go:
if(meIsServer)serverIdConnection.Post(new Request(uid))
We now have something which will allow every player to know who the big daddy server is. The next part details a structure that could be used to create your custom server functions, that can sync across every player's device.
var serverBin = new Connection("bin"+serverId, function(e){
SERVERREQUESTS[a[0][0]](a[0][1]) //serverrequests is a constant list of functions that take 1 parameter (can be list) and do stuff with it, whatever you want
There you have it! To my knowledge, the first ever CDO native Server-Client architecture! Credit me if using please!
EDIT: Adam was kind enough to give me the Fibre library:
| Fibre v1.1.4 |
| Made by Ravage |
| Basic connections library |
For those who don't know, use the "new" keyword to create an object instance:
new objectName(parameters)
//Basic connection object
//<name> - keyValue name where data is fetched. Can be changed anytime.
//<callback> - function that activates with the online data as its parameter
//<condition> - optional - condition to check if requests can be run
// Note that if it turns to false, you have to call
// <connectionName>.Action() to turn it on again
//Class methods:
// Connection.Action, starts up the connection
// - Note that you must call it, it isn't automatic, for obvious reasons
// Connection.Post, setting the keyValue being fetched
// - NEVER use setKeyValue to set it, it freezes up everything
// - Takes one parameter, the value that you are setting
function Connection(name, callback, condition){ = name;
this.callback = callback;
this.condition = condition || function(){return true}; = undefined;
this.paused = false; //Can be changed at free will
this.activePost = false; //DO NOT TOUCH
this.running = true;
this.Action = function(){
this.running = true;
getKeyValue(, function(a){ = a;
this.running = false;
this.Post = function(toPost, callback){
callback = callback || function(){};
//Whatever you do, DO NOT use setKeyValue on the name of an active connection.
//Due to a strange behaviour, that will freeze up the whole thing.
this.activePost = true;
setKeyValue(, toPost, function(){
this.activePost = false;
this.Action(); //Revive the connection