ackvonhuelio lmao i mean it's technically not since most of it breaks here and there more like a rant... i can't really write that well... I'm just kinda tired of people just complaining when it's none of there business if you don't like it, leave it's as simple as that

Kagoku Kinda sorta both? Yes, this website uses the Flarum software and FreeFlarum's database, but I edited and made a few extensions solely for this website.

    Kagoku I have a question for you, though... Does it matter?

    It is still being worked on but the basic rules and automod are there so it is useable

    I am working on making the server the center for coding help and a friendly community
    Please understand that I will be stretched thin working on the server, being active here, spreading the server link across a lot of coding websites, and having things going on in my life so I preappoligies for all my unprofessional actions and I take full responsibility for the actions I take I hope you can understand
    The only thing you guys could help me with is spreading the link (The bulk of the stress) but where I grew up help costs you so I don't expect anyone will help


      Fluffypoopo he will have to work really hard to do any damage
      The official discord

      Its not official. Meaning you are NOT the owner their for you have no rights to any of the assets to the discord. Making something official because you want to does not work . You should know that .

        oh my god guys it's KAGOKU
        he's BACK

        at last there's another narcissistic dumbass on the forum!!!

        have you thought up an answer to the ultimate question yet?
        the one proposed * counts days * uh three days ago???!?

        Kagoku uh it is official Brendan authorized the server so yes it is official

        Idk man kagoku has a point 🤡. It’s not a good one

        Kagoku You should use some common sense and realize that you're not having any productive conversations on here.

          oh snap forgot the rule about no mentioning brendan

          oh well already happened
