prepare for a long post.
some of the info in this post might be inaccurate as this is what ive seen, comment if i missed some topics and points
Project R3d is a project led by coders to ban all chats on CDO. Personally, I think it is a good and bad thing. Here's why.
CDO has had chats based off Brendan's Chat. It has been going on for about a year now. The projects in the Game Lab section in CDO are filled with these chats. A coder by the name of peptobepto started a mission to ban all these chats and revive CDO once and for all. So he started Project R3d. Chats have been disappearing left and right because of peptobepto and his friends, I forgot their names sadly. Personally, I think he is doing the right thing. Here is why.
I think this a good thing because chats have been roaming around CDO for a year and it's getting annoying. Chats are also a bad place to be because they are filled of pornography, excessive roleplaying, tons of racial slurs, and many other things that go against the CDO guidelines. And, it's not fair for good coders who actually have good games they spent hard on. It isn't fair because they won't be having anyone playing their game. Why won't they have people playing their game? The people are all chatting. That is why tons of coders have quit this past year because of the chats. And, the people who make the chats literally take down people's games and get their accounts deleted. There are hackers who think it would be funny to get someone's CDO account banned, when it isn't funny. That person could've had years worth of really good projects. All that effort for nothing. (prepare for some naughty words) In my opinion, those hackers are motherfuckers as I have been targeted myself. Last year I had an Adventure Time RPG game called Adventure Time: The Game and it had 98k plays before my account got banned for no exact reason. I found out the person who took down my game because they literally exposed themselves in a Skype chat. (i have gotten this news from other people.. but who uses skype in 2023??) Fuck those hackers. 4 years of work all go down the drain because of those bitches. So thats why I personally think Project R3d is a good thing. But heres why I think it is a bad thing.
Peptobepto needs to think as well, there could be another war on CDO like what happened with Sam and everyone, and some really bad stuff could happen. I know this because before I used to hop on chats to see how they were, and I joined at the wrong time. Someone got their IP address and their SS number leaked. And it was constantly spammed. It was real, because people posted gamelab projects with pictures of their fucking house. Thats too far.. they got doxxed just because of a coding platform.. crazy, right? So that could happen again if chats keeps getting banned more and more. But we still do need chats to be banned.. but just not the way they are right now. Heres a few tips I had in mind for peptobepto:
#1: Report chats anonymously so you dont get risk of being doxxed or more worse stuff could happen to you
#2: Don't interact with the community as they could suspect you if you act too sus
#3: Go undercover if needed to get more info on hackers and chats
But there is a solution that would probably never happen.
If CDO had good moderation, chats could've been banned and gone from the platform a long time ago. It feels like CDO is ignoring their community in this current drama with chats right now.
Please comment if im wrong with any points with this.
This post will probably be very controversial. Dont send any hate to anyone mentioned in this post, and dont hate on me please, im still a child in 7th grade.
thanks for reading :)