Well, screw it. I give up CDO, after 5+ years, 400+ hours, and 100+ projects. There's only so much I can take, and having my account deleted twice - this time for literally nothing - is past the limit. Even if my account gets revived by Jesus or something, I'm not coming back. Here's why.
First off, you can get banned from reports with no basis in reality. I myself was banned the first time for making a virus that downloaded files, but this time, it's because somebody "reported a chat project" that I made.
Problem? I never have made any. I'm guessing it's the CDO Project R3d that reported one of my meme projects, since they were the only ones visible on the gallery when I got banned.
Secondly, CDO can ban you for quite literally having unpublished projects that violate the TOS. After "kindly" telling CDO that I have never made any chats, they decided to not restore my stuff because I had "nasty" stuff. Be careful with what you create. I know @Varrience once said that you could technically make private chats... apparently not (note that I didn't make any chats, even private)!
Thirdly, though this may seem obvious: CDO is never going to be able to ban chats. Thanks to Ziriksi and [WUT] Adam, CDO is now a social media website. I know this for sure, because after being banned, the support tells you that you should be "mindful of what you post" in the future. Did you notice that? They say that you can post in the future, anytime you want! How are chats ever going to be banned? The only way to do that would be to perma-ban any people mean enough to create a chat. Even somehow entirely removing the chat scripts from CDO will be useless, since you don't have to be a genius to write a chat.
My advice, then? Quit CDO. It's a waste of time, I'm finding. You can have hours of work scattered as dust in the ever-shifting winds, for no reason at all, and even if you do come up with something, it gets drowned by chats. Who wants to play your epic 3D Minecraft remake? They're all busy chatting. I experience this firsthand when asking people to test my stuff on CDO. They don't want to. They're chatting. Furthermore, as we all know now, hacking cannot be prevented. The inspect console exists. Deal with it. Or don't, and just quit, like I am.
I always was better at Python anyways. Now, instead of coding, I can peacefully watch p-- I mean, uh, do my work in school. To hell with it all. Don't be like me. The anguish you feel when this happens is quite hard to bear with. Use Replit instead. Do some real coding, instead of this limited garbage.
@Letti42 and @Varrience , I wish I could have worked with you more on CDO. The mere sight of what you have done is enough to make me dream. Still, I advise you to quit CDO.
@[WUT] Adam , I'm sorry for all the things I said the other day. I hope you can forgive me. Also, guess who's going to be happy I'm not on the computer all the time...
Also, @Mellow , please comment below so I can give you all my coins. You're a cool guy.