Varrience Letti42 at one point I thought it would be infinity because technically it's not on the number spectrum, though most programming languages tend to give different results depending on the languages you use
ackvonhuelio Letti42 that contradicts basic logic. if a number is not less than another number, it's either greater or equal to that number.
Letti42 Varrience I think you've told me about that before, though what's interesting is the person who replied above was talking about general logic, outside of a specific programming language..
Mellow ackvonhuelio problem is, its undefined. it isn't anything until you make it something, sooooo...
person Varrience he just called your files malware. If you cant see how that is an insult then nv i guess.
ackvonhuelio Letti42 they didnt teach us that in algebra. they taught us how to draw an X and put numbers around it to factor a quadratic. but nothing about undefined not being a number heck, if i can be a number why can't undefined??? undefined discrimination‼️
Blockyheadman ackvonhuelio just saying, in those algebra classes, they teach an undefined line is a vertical line. I learned that it's undefined because it's trying to be infinity and -infinity. and in programming, undefined objects are objects that have to value at all. aka null.