madeforlosers it's a platform game, yet it's bad and there's no smooth movement at all (I couldn't find a better way to do it). felt like sharing it here feel free to give me ideas on how to make it better, I do accept constructive criticism move with WASD, W is jump (or up in 0grav sections)
INTERNECION madeforlosers I won't lie this shit is incredible. I've been trying to get back into coding since I've been animating for so long so I can definitely use this as a ref. I mean the ideas, the execution, the level design. I like it! Keep it up. Maybe it could use some optimization but that's all I really got for you. You're good. just ignore nomo. Idk why he's like this right now after everything he's done
youraverage_nomo This game is horrible, everything is horrible, even the website it was made on was horrible everything, is horrible, please redo everything.
INTERNECION AHEM. cool it nomo. Dude just made something a while back. Keep it nice please. youraverage_nomo
youraverage_nomo Legit when i press w for one second it makes me move 2 spaces Please make the delay not exist, please.
youraverage_nomo youraverage_nomo Legit when i press w for one second it makes me move 2 spaces Please make the delay not exist, please.
madeforlosers youraverage_nomo the delay is there so you dont move so fast bc without it you just go super fast everywhere