Writing tips, By Wyi.
“Gods suck”.
Sure, your dude who can’t be killed and can shoot rainbow death lasers seems cool, and probably would look awesome, but if nothing can be a threat to them, if nothing can get in their way, they become stale, because there’s no conflict. And even if there is like, one or two things that can hurt them, or protect against them, if it’s just another god, it sucks. Mortals are generally far more interesting.
“Pure evil/good has no meaning, for perfection is but an impossible concept”
Everyone, no matter how well meaning, will occasionally want something for themselves.
Otherwise, they tear themselves down, hoping to be the best.
Pure evil however.. That makes no sense. Sadistic behavior, yes. Complete lack of empathy? absolutely. Hate strong enough to sacrifice themselves to kill others? sure.
But generally, no one would have that hate without it being a product of their enviroment, and they’d generally be too insane to function as well as a disney villain. If you do want a pure evil villain, you should make them as charismatic as possible, and even then, They’d probably join the “heros” in a fight if there was a threat to them all, and all villains see themselves as the hero.
“Mortality is a thing guys”
Sometimes, a character has to die. Get used to it, but avoid it. Make as few fatalities out of the blue as possible, and if you need a death to introduce a threat, then try using a side character. Have them do a few things, slowly becoming more important and detailed before the attack. (unless you’re making a joke out of it) Don’t go into too much detail about them, don’t make them suddenly super detailed, and avoid death flags, like “Retirement in 3 days! yeah” or “I love my family.”
Side note:
Characters that fight smart, not strong are generally cool leaders, but sometimes an idiot on steroids is also good (for writing, not a leader irl).
Flaws are good, but don’t add too many weakpoints, and make sure they make sense.