INTERNECION @Brendan it's been a bit. I wonder where you are now. Hmmm. He's probably skydiving off of Mt. Rushmore right now...
INTERNECION Fluffypoopo I am not. I was just thinking he's probably doing great things. Like becoming President of the United States, Becoming the first Quadrillionaire, Fighting Russia as we speak
DaniDaCoder cone_wolf This is unlikely he's just going to give up on I think he would anounce it first (I think so )
INTERNECION Zzeroiscool723 but yeah that is something that I had to deal with. and now it is finally resolved. FINALLY
INTERNECION Zzeroiscool723 he's banned indefinitely. For breaking the rules about 28 times under several warning. Harrassing a mod, Disrespecting the owner, Spamming, and overall being non-helpful
INTERNECION person yeah it was disappointing how many times i told him to stop. I didnt want to ban him indefinitely but he had to go because clearly he didnt want to be here.