ok now that you have read the title, lemme explain
Also before I start the story, if you don't know who b0z0 is, he is one of those chatroom hackers going around and stuff. well they used to be just a chatroom hacker..
Okay so if you were to look at the Brutal Mayhem leaderboard you will see "b0z0 rules" spammed on the leaderboard. And i think its on a timedLoop or a interval cuz whenever you get a score it doesnt go on the leaderboard it just gets instantly wiped. So yeah you wont be able to set any records until b0z0 stops the interval. This confirms that b0z0 is now going for featured projects now.
leaderboard screenshot: file:///C:/Users/vjste/Downloads/boz.png
A problem for this long-term is that the people who got those scores will have to get them again and that will probably be hard to do because.. well since they were at the top of the leaderboard they must have had some VERY HIGH highscores
And now that we know that b0z0 doesn't only hack chatrooms, but also featured projects, most projects that use keyvalues are in danger cuz we can tell that b0z0 manipulates keyvalues to hack projects. Now I THINK he is gonna hack Battle-cars next. I even spotted him earlier in the battle-cars chat. Somehow he is bypassing the anti-debug thing in the code!
We have to hope that the creator of Battle-cars bans his uid before its too late! Cuz I mean, the battle-cars chat is basically a chatroom so they could do some major damage.
b0z0 spotted proof: file:///C:/Users/vjste/Downloads/bozspotted.png
But what do you guys think? Comment below!