I don't like beef jerky 😕

I don't like beef jerky either. It's too salty and freaking DENSE and hard to chew and swallow thoroughly. But that's based on brand. However it is still not for me

    zeldaria says that she's younger so she has a couple of years to mature her palate.
    you are older so it is a disappointment that your palate lacks sophistication.

      ackvonhuelio so you are only going for me cuz I am older? That's one singular yike. Different opinions and somebody comes to you just cuz you're older. Beef jerky is not the best snack/food on the planet. There are things like a handful of Dietz Nutsâ„¢ that you can have a taste of. Only for the price of $1.99 at your local Dollar store or Walmart. I am sure Dietz Nutsâ„¢ will change your mind. (This is an actual brand)

      I had this one kind several years ago that was a gift from my aunt and uncle once-removed.
      It was the best.

      also can we talk about the beef jerkeys effects on your health??

        yes im finally c+ ive cuaght up to brendan muhahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahahahahahahah

          person surprisingly some beef jerky is actually healthy. SOME. But other kinds of beef jerky can really just DEPLETE your health
