Zeldaria ok but what about fixing the position glitch? How do I get the player to go PAST Y 300 without it breaking??
ackvonhuelio OH OH OK i see click debug sprites on the debug console and you'll see your problem the player hitbox is too tall, fix the sprite drawing
INTERNECION hello there! I am back and ready for action as I said in another discussion to add clarity. I am ready to talk. Let's hope you are willing to listen
Zeldaria Also quick question, when you create a sprite using group.add(createSprite());, what do you then call the sprite created?
ackvonhuelio Zeldaria because you havent defined the sprite as a variable, you have to access it like group[numberthatspriteisinthegroup] for example, group[0].x += 1; //moves the first sprite in the group
Zeldaria I need to know so I can basically create a thing where you touch a group sprite and then after a set amount of time, it destroys that sprite alone; I can probably do a group.remove(sprite) but I need the name of the sprite 1st
Zeldaria Here's the reason I asked: I'm adding platforms that, after you touch them, disappear after a few seconds and I needed to figure out how to y'know access the sprite so it is specific to what platform the player is touching and stuff
Zeldaria And--the BROKEN group is literally BROKEN it won't destroy the sprite you touch at ALL! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO ONLY DESTROY A SPECIFIC SPRITE IN A GROUP WITHOUT HAVING TO DO A BUNCH OF NAMING JUNK?!
Zeldaria Here's some more info: The BROKEN[0] sprite is created when you finish the tutorial and when you touch it, after 2 seconds or so it destroys BROKEN[0] but for some reason it won't get destroyed!
Zeldaria I even tried a lifetime thing but nooooooo it didn't work; And when I try player.isTouching(BROKEN[0]) or player.isTouching(BROKEN) in the console it always says false!