K1tt3n_L0v3 why are we talking crap about code? yes, he can be annoying at times but he's a really kind and greatful person! he may spam, but just asking him nicely to chill may be better, so please rethink before talking about him behind his back.
ackvonhuelio K1tt3n_L0v3 I think it will be difficult to get the message to codemaster, his spamming and the spamming of other people involved in the 'master war' make it near impossible to sort through the public list
K1tt3n_L0v3 ackvonhuelio yes i see that, but its still not right to talk crap about code, code is really close to this girl named minx, maybe talk to her about asking him? then maybe he would have more of an open mind about this topic.
K1tt3n_L0v3 ShineHorn doing what?, also you can just call me Kitten (not in the dirty mindset) or Axar
K1tt3n_L0v3 @"ackvonhuelio" yes i see, hes dating a person named "Minx" maybe if you ask her to ask him, code will have an open mind set about this topic, so would you like me to ask?
ackvonhuelio K1tt3n_L0v3 look, I'm not trying to start an argument, but i'm genuinely annoyed by codemaster, and I can't help but to speak of him in a negative manor. I'll try to be less insulting. Also, how would I speak to minx?
Brendan ackvonhuelio Convincing Minx to join would be a viable option. There is a Private Discussions tab that allows users to start discussions that only specific people can see.