Card Name: Varrience
Rarity: Legendary
HP: 5000
ATK: 400
Def: 1/2 of atk
Passive: at the end of turn if card is in your hand double HP & ATK by 1.5, otherwise if on the field
stats increase expodentially by 1.5
Skill 1 Drain: if played going first drain players currency by half, if going second half all on feild enemy card stats for 2 turns
Skill 2 Deface: degrades all enemy card rarities to Uncommon or lower applies to all on field and in hand cards
Skill 3 Rebound: damages with 20% of attack, multiplier doubles for each enemy that targets the card this turn attacks at the end if not destroyed
idk if this is to overpowered..... but here lmao