ackvonhuelio Ravage i made a better (i think) ad for the forum using your library it also has sound which requires you adding a stopSound(); after clicking the X in the topright corner but yeah
Ravage ackvonhuelio Ok... animation-wise, it's far better (except for the heart and JS logos, they're kind of out of place). The massive problem is that your ad does not take into consideration what the PUBLIC wants. That was the focal point of the old ad, trying to convince people to join mainly because of chats and community. But I'm finding that I don't care much anymore. If @DragonFireGames is going to add it into FCR (definitely do), I'd suggest you work on making your message deeper than it currently is. The music is weird but maybe that's me.
ackvonhuelio DragonFireGames cuz I already know enough animation math stuff and don't really need/want to learn to use whatever the createAnimation thing was
ackvonhuelio DragonFireGames nah not really I threw this ad together in probably an hour or so DragonFireGames
DragonFireGames createAnimation(1000,2000,function(t){ rect(200,200,100,50+t*50); },function(x){return x*x;}) In the above code, after one second, a rectangle will grow into a square at a quadratic rate in the y direction and stop after 2 seconds.