Let me start at the beginning.
Back in December of 2023, I was growing sick and tired of nothing happening on the forum. So what did I do about that?
I hacked into @[WUT] Adam 's account. The first thing I considered doing was changing his PFP to white Obama and seeing if anybody noticed, but I quickly came up with a better plan. I gave me and @Varrience the Owner role (because Varrience is awesome). I made that public post about the New Owners. I wrote it, not Adam.
Around 1 day later, I was starting to get a bit tired of not being able to flex my hacking skills. So, I told someone else about how and why I got Owner.
That someone was @Aaliyah91042 .
She was very supportive of me basically dropping a bombshell on the forum, and she even told me a secret about herself (I'm going to share it with you because it's unimportant: her dog got puppies).
That leads us to today. After what happened earlier today (Adam found out), I felt like there's no point in keeping a secret from over 300 people anymore.
This is where the original "The Truth." post by @[WUT] Adam takes a different path and it's hard for me to mimic it here...
So um yeah I hacked the forum and gave myself owner perms. Now you know!