person I don't get this sight why does it finish the html brackets and why is it giving me YouTube or Amazon links bruh wtf is this ai Please help my website due tomorrow and I can't stand this ai
Varrience it just autofills what it thinks you'll put in you should be able to disable it or just ignore it usually esc stops it from showing in my experience
Varrience gZany I'd tend to agree with there current business model i likely would have kept using them until i built a cloud service that i would want to upscale but since they pulled this i will likely not be using them as a provider past 2024 there are plenty of services that will let you deploy without any issues so i plan to use them instead but i do respect there choice to notify all developers months in advance about this change (unlike some other scummy companies)
DragonFireGames Varrience Indeed. Unfortunately, I will need to migrate almost all of my projects away from Replit in 2024 due to the changes. I wish users leaving like this would hurt 'em where it hurts most (their wallet) but it might just do the opposite as they'll have fewer things to host.