TNitro7669 Guys, here's the link, if you really like it, you can remix before someone deletes this again: Stats: Probability this project will come up again if spam reported: 79% Probability that I will leave this site: 2% Edit: Okay, this link doesn't work but the first one does now, I guess the first version of 2.2 had its report removed.
TNitro7669 Stats: Probability this project will come up again if spam reported: 50% Probability that I will leave this site: 5% so yeah this link no longer works either hope you remixed this project 'cause it NOT coming back up.
ItsDannyBruh i was trick or treating then i went to a halloween party i just came back home, tatertale wont be posted again!?!?
TNitro7669 Nope, I'm done with this You can like hope that Update 2.3 is coming soon, because I'm tired of remixing and republishing these projects again and again. And I'm supposed to be on break anyways so until then no Tatertale for now =(
TNitro7669 k so kinda lied about the update not coming back it's in disguise now pass:crazyiwentcrazyoncetheylockedmeinaroomarubberroomarubberroomofratsratsmakemecrazy yeah this is coming back up thanks to @ItsDannyBruh for the suggestion?
TNitro7669 oh and forgot to add (sorry it wasn't in the same post) if you want a copy of this I suggest you remix it before the disguise is revealed and the game gets deleted again. I'm serious about not reposting it again if this update is reported. And for the person who reported this project, if you're on this forum I guess I can't stop you now.
Varrience TNitro7669 yea funny thing about that when i released the first public version (of pisquil-tale) that's the only one people actually had a version of that or they didn't want to keep in the credits signage that i forged with the keyboard module for it.... idrk which but amazingly 9 / 10 re-published games held the credits along with my message guess it did carry some weight