ackvonhuelio hmm well i was trying to do something a little while back where using a for in loop where all you have to do is set the current index to undefined or deleting it idrk that way it should be excluded from the array though i am a bit unaware of how much faster it is compared to just splicing them out of the list
var list = ["obj1", "obj2", "obj3", undefined, "obj4"];
for(var i in list) {
delete list[0]
for(var i in list) {
though i'm sure if it would be "faster", though if your going off of an id based system it may be best to just allocate the ids seperately and run the system off that and clean your main particle tree when the system isn't stressing out that way it doesn't spike the only thing you'll lose that way is a bit of memory but it can be mitigated slightly by setting it to null for the GC to pick up on it which may be better than the delete method.... if you need a more in depth thingy dm me on discord so i don't forget