Varrience person local storage is usually the easiest.... google's api for drive is BS it's needs to be renewed every so often which makes sense for security but other sites do it without that issue, floppy drives were phased out due to their memory limitation as well as having a high risk memory corruption as to the rising compact disks and hard drives for the time that are now also getting phased out by solid state memory... if you do want to store random shit though I'd recommend thumbsnap it's a site in which logging in isn't necessary unless you want an album to store multiple photo's behind your API key, what's more is that you can use a backend to achieve automatic uploads if you have a constant directory with an app deployed.... anyways I'll shut up now
person ah ok anyway fluffy had a real question Fluffypoopo tbh idk maybe you could use applab? a while back i learned that through some odd method i could connect tables from different projects. idk im not really good at app lab or tables or stuff like that
Varrience person if i were considering that for storing an image horrendous, base64 images take up a bit more room than if it was just stored as a regular image, this gets much worse when trying to store sprite sheets or specific video frames, server side storage is fine so long as you understand what your storing and how your storing it... though this should be considered as a backup as if the servers go down so do your images and data
Fluffypoopo person I am making something that takes advantage of that, so people can have a project and the brain behind it is in a different project with the main project taking stuff from the other one and giving it to it so they have no way to know what table to hack to get the information they need
Letti42 Fluffypoopo So an emulator? Good luck, its a lot more difficult than it seems. I've tried making one for Gamelab and Applab and there are a lot of factors you have to take into account - more specifically dealing with data tables and key values.
Fluffypoopo It is not easy because a server is like a tower of those wooden toothpicks that are round, one microscopic mistake the tower falls sometimes falls for no reason
Varrience Letti42 well technically i have a gamelab one.... although I'm not syncing any values though there just re initialized within the current instance of it being imported.... I'll add another layer complication language parsing is annoying