Brendan ackvonhuelio I can't give someone a grade, it's automatic based on your score. You need 5,000 points to get an A++.
INTERNECION Wait wait wait. What are you doing? This is something random to come back to. Eh whatever. Um who are you my bruda? You seem to be familiar with this fine establishment of a forum.
INTERNECION 2kChubz cuz I can. And I help people unlike GAME COMPLAININ MCGEE OVER HERE. OMEGALUL. Also why do you care? Thought so!! get off my court get off my battlefield man. You ain't winning this one. You thought you had something here didn't you?
INTERNECION 2kChubz still pepper pains LULW Also you don't wip when you do a number two? That's disgusting Chubz. Ewwwwwww nasty af lul
INTERNECION 2kChubz GAME COMPLAININ STILL HE DOESNT LEARN OMEGALUL. Is this kek or cringe. I say you are being not so kek Chubz