ackvonhuelio notes time hehehe aNd THeN wHeN YoU LeaST EXpEcT iT I wiLL fInD YOu aNd I WiLl ... uh ... tAke yOur MaIl AnD nOosPapERzZ aNd MaILbOx ANd kAr tO dOnatE tO sOmE KId aND gIvE yOuR gIRlFrieNd tO bRenDAn aND... uh... YeAH
Fluffypoopo ackvonhuelio All you got to know is the redneck capital is being attacked by city slickers
Fluffypoopo Our motto is If it does not have duck tape or zip ties holding something up it does not belong in Kentucky even if it is brand new
Fluffypoopo In my county, we vote for the redneck of the month and the grand redneck every year IDK why maybe a state full of rednecks is the reason
ackvonhuelio noice noice here in san jose we kids are too stupid to know what an election is so we let the adults do all that stuff. then we go on with our lives but we're too stupid to know what to do with our lives life is beautiful