INTERNECION and this is where I wait. Cuz I know exactly how this will end in 2 ways. This will be about 4 people trying to pack on a pretty successful animator, part time coder, and all As and Bs junior in highschool, who really just comes here regularly to help others code and to get help coding just because the 4 people were instigating/bringing up old drama that i told them it will get them into problems/getting mad at me when they break the law and i retaliate.. One singular guy btw I figure out some something funny to do and watch while this all blows over cuz this is one singular forum for that I just come to regularly. Since I really could be taking my time on the Hyun's Dojo discord and Oxob's Alley where animation is a giant part of the community and can and will jumpstart the hell out of your career. And getting my popcorn because this entire thing is funny and I wait for something wierd to happen
youraverage_nomo INTERNECION dude you backed into a corner, now that we can say it, no one fucking likes you dude, get off this site.
INTERNECION youraverage_nomo well at least I know you like it. drew it myself. I've been thinking about making a new one actually