Blockyheadman Fluffypoopo is this using tables to store data in a json format? also how would i implement this into my existing program?
Fluffypoopo Blockyheadman It uses tables to save it, if you change all the tables at once it will not change it back
Fluffypoopo Blockyheadman I designed it to be as plug and play as I could, there are directions in it that will tell you how to use it
Fluffypoopo you must start off with all the tables the same then what you can do is test it by changing something in the table and see if it changes back if it does not let me know
Fluffypoopo Fluffypoopo var group1 = ["Test1", "Test2", "Test3"]; each group is a set of tables with specific data and one group can have different data then another group as long as there are no tables overlapping tables
Fluffypoopo Fluffypoopo var group_ids = [group1, group2]; If you need more than 2 groups then add it under this If you only need one then remove one of the groups that are on it
Fluffypoopo Fluffypoopo var interval = 600; you can play with this number until you find a suitable speed
Blockyheadman Fluffypoopo its out of convience and the knowledge i have of them. they're easier to work with for me. I'm just different though
Fluffypoopo I am working on one that does key values but because they have no id I can use to scroll through I need to figure out how to without it changing everything to the same thing