INTERNECION eh but I'm done, slurped back the disrespect 👍
Also maybe next time, when you deal with that spam, be more specific about what has ticked you off (obviously unless it's in the same post, but specifics are always more helpful), and don't just straight up "warn" so you don't come off as aggressive as all hell. I'm new to the forum stuff, so I did not know about all this crap, I did indeed read the rules, but the voting thing did not come to my mind as spamming before I found email tied to that in settings. (maybe you don't assume the worst?)
Do not understand what you're asking I'm done about
Downvoting? Yes, already said
Talking about this? For the love of God, yes I just wanted some damned help for the list thing, I never intended for all this crap, I never intended to spam to get moderator attention, never even knew you were a mod