Varrience so basically I built a card generator that was intended for blackjack and most of the setup is there as well. I am not sure if anyone was looking for a little side project but if your interested your more than welcome to continue on what I've built so far
INTERNECION Varrience hmm this has potential. Maybe I can work on it. Ah man but I got work to do. I'll do it later!
ackvonhuelio Varrience Hmmm I have been thinking about recreating mtg or Pokémon or some trading card game for a while, this might be useful But then again I have been thinking about making lots of things and never actually finishing them a while too
INTERNECION ackvonhuelio Oh hey Ack. Man I barely see you or Varrience on her anymore. Ah man. Look man I never hated you. I just wanted to help and I called you out for being a bit of a hypocrite and I was a bit harsh about it. But we cool now, right? I can't keep a grudge. It's too much work. But hey it's been a bit bro