Finally its over
Team Chubz or team intern
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DaniDaCoder let's hope so. Cuz if Chubz keeps on then this isn't as over at it seems. I will try and reason with him if he gets too out of hand. However I won't try as hard anymore knowing that we can laugh at this if anyone tries anything dumb like with what happened in this situation with Chubz spamming and all. Haha
I think you got this turn around bc u spam me when I was suspended and I got a lot of nofis bc of u and u spam fluffy and
you just complain about spamming but u been spamming me the whole time.
Your trying to frame me
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2kChubz it seems to me that you're talking to yourself again Chubz. like captain obvious we know you spammed dude. Also how are you spamming yourself? Please tell me Chubz?
imma go to bed and i wont be back for 2 days because im going to be REEEEEALLY busy so bye.
bye dan
INTERNECION DUD your not funny
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DaniDaCoder ok my bruda see you in 2 days! This is surely not gonna be chaotic. Surely
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Brendan amen!
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2kChubz nope you didn't. Noone did. The fighting stopped. And it's not really a win, if we still have beef. And besides IMAGINE ABUSE A REPORT BUTTON JUST BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO TOUCH GRASS. Thanks for the info Brendan!! HAHAHAHHAAH ez-est clap of the CENTURY. You thought you had me. You thought. You can't win a fight with me in real life. AND YOU COULDN'T EVEN WIN IT HERE. BAHAHAHAH
umm ok?
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2kChubz just don't say anything ....
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2kChubz YOU THOUGHT YOU HAD SOMETHING DIDNT YOU. you thought you could win. Don't make me fricking laugh. NOBODY COULD'VE WON THAT SITUATION. Nobody. Why did we fight when there was no point. I tried to stop you from spamming originally. And this this Pepega Colack came in with some wierd ish. GOT THE DRUGS RIGHT IN HIS MIND. oh my gosh that was incredible. Thanks guys for giving me a good laugh. And thanks Brendan for letting me see what this lil jit did
personLvl 62
i agree with brendan ur on the freaking internet just block each other and get on with ur lives
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person person. I love you, no homo, and all. But it is impossible to block people on this forum. The closest you can do to blocking people is ignore them and even then, it can somehow screw with you notifs. That's why each time they say something about the issue occuring, I'm just gonna say the most random shit that only makes sense to any twitch user, redditor, and YouTuber out there. It's like a secret code. Y'know?
personLvl 62
yeah i guess so