INTERNECION 2kChubz ah found you here on this discussion. Dan is working with me to make this clicker game he made. We are expanding upon his idea! We got this!
INTERNECION 2kChubz is he talking to me or himself chat I can't tell... Chubz is anyone in there I think you might have a personality disorder. Y'know like moon knight
INTERNECION 2kChubz making fun a disorder what does that even mean mah boi? Also it's a moon knight reference. Cuz haha funny
INTERNECION 2kChubz it is from a dark humor stand point. Which is where quite a few people stand. Sorry if you don't actually get the humor since it is all subjective
INTERNECION 2kChubz have you? Also I have seen people with disorders REAL ONES. Some I have seen in real life. Some I have seen in my friends. So what's your story man. Tell me
Deleted5371 INTERNECION this is the one thing I will side with you on. I don't like people who fake their disorders. Especially bipolar. It is a horrible disease and it haunts me every day.