Fluffypoopo the things you need are https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/auto-clicker-autofill-dev/cpjikgcdmhfnmaiibplplldlchbjejel and Import this file to that extension https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoktPKOrwcZafKig00Ksuhl9kLs?e=tEwKWe Instructions After you installed the extension click on the extension in the extension bar it should bring you to a website Click on the gear 3.click the switch for "Check IFrames" and "Advance" click the X Click on the 3 dots next to "Add Configuration" Click on "Bulk Import Configuration" Click on "All Configurations.json" Click on the dropdown next to "Add Configuration" Scroll up until you find "(1)https://www.bing.com/search?q=1&form=QBLH&sp=-1&pq&sc=0-0&qs=n&sk&cvid=46DBC6BC2D864CF388AFFDD3CA425894&safesearch=strict&adlt=strict&qft=filterui:license-L2_L3" Click on it open Bing and search 1 Copy that URL Past that URL under "URL *" (Optional Click on the dropdown next to "Add Configuration" Scroll down until you find "(wait)https://www.bing.com/search?q=35&qs=ds&form=QBRE" Click on it under "Init Wait (sec)" that is the amount of time it waits to restart the search you can play with it until you find what you like and for the extension to do the new wait time you need to refresh the page or let it run because it works based on the page if it is refreshed it is removed and readded in the extensions eyes then it asks for the commands it needs to do etc.) use the points for whatever you want If you are suspicious of it you can Investigate it, I invesigated it myself and I came up with nothing bad Other than the guy sounds like in Microsoft tec support scammer, I talked to him he is chill