Alright here we go. 5 bucks that there will be insults. 10 bucks that Ack denies everything. 15 bucks that people won't listen to what I have to say. 20 bucks if I have to pay for what I did, which is being myself, and Ack doesn't get reprimanded for crap because hey just like a regular school, they never usually go for the person who actually did some bad stuff, they go for people like me. 30 bucks that they don't acknowledge what Ack did and only go for me.
Ok let's talk. First off, what the heck? It seems to me that people are not listening to me just like ack didn't listen and now they are going for me for something that isn't even as significant as to what he did. Second off, I will tell the truth and only the truth, so please answer my questions just like how I will answer yours. I will not avoid questions like "some people". Third off, If you don't listen to me as much as you listen to this guy then that says a lot about what you really think about me. Fourth off, you may say I am doing to much, but you obviously haven't met me. Fifth off, I will never stop bringing this up until it gets resolved. Sixth off, I have done "court cases" like this many times before I will not only get on the person who lied to me, but also myself, if you are actually willing to listen. Seventh off, don't try and bring spamming into this because we all know well that I wasn't, so why call it that it's not spam and you say it wasn't, and you should know what it looks like we have all hopefully been on chats before. Eight off, honestly if you are asking ack what happened first then that is definitely some school energy. Ninth off, I do want to go first and I will only say the truth seeing that Ack lies about what I do. I will need to go first you will have to trust me. Since I never lied online before, why would I need to lie now. Tenth off, this can go 2 ways you either not acknowledge what this guy has done and only go for me or you could actually listen to me because so far nobody has been doing that except for jacobiscool and that just disappointing. So what will it be?