ackvonhuelio my point is, it's ridiculous Why on earth would you bring up jacob in a debate about your spam?
2kChubz Nxjfjhdhdhdhdnj INTERNECION I’m saying you learn to deal with people without arguing and realize that it is futile to argue when you work at a fast food restaurant. I’m saying that your arguing with someone who is the age where gas-lighting someone is the fun thing to do. I understand Ack is smart and yes he might be more mature than his peers but what I’m saying is that theirs no point in arguing over a question. ackvonhuelio INTERNECION you won't stop, will you? you find a lie, and you keep pressing it into me despite everything I have said against it. I know your'e stubborn, and i am too, that's why this is going nowhere. So let's just resolve this, you just turn down the chattiness a bit ackvonhuelio I told this guy to stop spamming unnecessary comments and he acts like i'm hitler or something ackvonhuelio this whole conversation is hopeless smh ackvonhuelio Why on earth would you bring up jacob in a debate about your spam? ackvonhuelio and now the 'troll' thing again?
INTERNECION Wait is it man of culture or boi of culture? boi of culture is funnier but man of culture is more chad
INTERNECION I say man of culture. He seems to be up to date on a phew things as well. Also seems like an amazing friend
INTERNECION She seems very nice. it says in her bio that she can be wierd sometimes but I dont see the wierdness
ackvonhuelio INTERNECION i literally answered all of them and you have repeated over and over again that I'm "avoiding" them, what kind of strategy is this, you just being annoyingly oblivious
INTERNECION anyway i dont see the wierdness because she seems like a perfectly normal person. nothing wierd here
INTERNECION she let me be mod over at her forum that was nice of her. OH and jacob let me be mod as well
INTERNECION anyway back on Zeldaria. Zeldaria is a sort of people person I can't lie. She gets along with alot of people at it is nice to see someone actually not at your throat when you meet them online
ackvonhuelio ok good to see that you can avoid contradicting everything I say now Imma get some rest and you can describe all of your amazing friends