ackvonhuelio INTERNECION it's not unnecessary to you when you offer help to someone who requested it 20 days ago. really. jeez, you really need help then, don't you.
INTERNECION We arent the same person. you knew very WELL that this wasnt spamming but you still continued with the term. That doesnt make any logical sense. So what was the thought process?
INTERNECION i dont think both of us need any help at this point and you are trying to insult my intelligence. that will not work. but keep going i got my popcorn
ackvonhuelio again, maybe offering help to something clearly resolved and in doing so creating more useless stuff to sort through is a little bit unnecessary?
INTERNECION so as I was saying if you dislike me so much than please do something about it. Like fix the way you think of other people, or just tolerating a talkative person. It really isnt that hard to do. Why do you think I am still here
ackvonhuelio INTERNECION Why do you think I am still here because you're stubborn and cant accept reasoning? INTERNECION from tying to help others if you couldn't tell the matter was resolved then you probably aren't the most qualified person to help
INTERNECION as I said whats wrong with HELP? nothing doesnt matter how old the post was. I will still do it you can't stop me from tying to help others
INTERNECION its help and it doesnt matter how old it is I will still ask whether you like it or not. cope seethe and mald more I will still be determined
INTERNECION Actually I am still here because I can be here and I have rights to be here." Kinda wierd how you wanna say that" inside joke. Whats wrong with helping others tell me right now
INTERNECION I like helping other people it is the right thing to do. Lying isnt so what was the performance there with the death threat thing I am still curious about where you pulled that out of
ackvonhuelio INTERNECION what was the performance there with the death threat you said that I had somehow magically implied telling you to shut up because this is absurd, i joked that you had magically implied a death threat ill take the 20 bucks
ackvonhuelio INTERNECION I never said that you said it as a joke I said that it was absurd, and given your other comments in this thread, you could easily say something absurd not as a joke twenty bucks reclaimed
INTERNECION making a joke is still lying you outed yourself and admitted to yourself lying about that
INTERNECION yikes bro you still said I did something I didnt do and lied about what i did but you arent acknowledging the fact there for 20 bucks for me still. You know that I would never make a death threat dont try it
ackvonhuelio You know that I would never tell you to shut up because I am american and believe in freedom of speech. faaaccccttttttsssss twenty bucks taken back, deposited, spent, and defaced.
INTERNECION ok now i can tell you are trolling. Make it make sense. By that logic you saying that is morally wrong. so 20 bucks cashed and stored. What are you even saying and if you wanted to make it funnier just say fax it's easier trust me