So, since this forum is finally shutting down, here are some updates.
The LGM Awards '25
New updates for The LGM Awards '25 will be posted on the LGM Awards website.
Link to Website.
Q: Will I still be using to create projects?
A: Yes, however, they will be much smaller.
Q: Did you work on WatermelonKatana?
A: Mainly the front end of the website. Nothing else.
Q: Will you ever move to real game engines like Unity and Godot?
A: Maybe.
Q: Will you join the GameLab Discord server made by [WUT] Adam?
A: Yes. If you can't join the Discord server for some reason. I have no idea what to tell you.
Q: What will the LGM Awards '25 have?
A: Uh... that's a secret.
Q: Favorite Quote?
A: "No." - [WUT] Adam
I guess that's everything I have to say, for now.
If you want to ask a question, go here.