Lil-Starcast HELO I DONT KNOW WAT TO DO! I need to be able to share these projects but I can't even save them. I'm the leader of a role-play studio AND I'm doing comics. When I open the inspect console it says something about '403'. CAN ANYONE HELP? IM GONNA DIE!
SquirrelGuy-5 De image is denied . It don’t do it for me tho, but in the Scratch news, it said the website will be taken down for a bit for maintenance, so I guess ur just getting a glitch. §§ It should be fixed soon! §§
Lil-Starcast Captain_Jack_Sparrow It doesn't matter how big the file is. If I upload any image it just won't save. It's really weird but I hope it's just a bug that will be fixed.