Currently in beta. Based off of Banana on steam. you can design/submit your own oranges with a name and an image of the orange You can use as a template if you want to. Orange can only be played on computers. I will add a mobile version soon.
Current Oranges: Orange, IceOrange, Toonorange, Archorange, Glitchorange, PyrOrange, AwakenedOrange
Upcoming Oranges: AquOrange
- Oranges now save, to save progress press 's'
- When saved oranges are loaded up, they auto organize
- Your orange count is now saved
- 8 New Fonts
- RNG display is now customizable by the font browser
- Inventory no longer overlaps the RNG display
- New Currency in Orange 10 Orange Peels = 1 codeCoin
sorry this update took so long lol, my procrastination is kicking in.
This games display might be off on some computers since my computer has a 1920x1080 display resolution and I made the game with 90% zoom.
Had to update the save feature since for some reason, the timed loop every one second kept running even after
I reset the game.