DragonFireGames SquirrelGuy-5 Uh, it's on code.org and as long as it's on code.org it can be reported.
Binary_Coder SquirrelGuy-5 That's still hosting it on CDO. The only difference is that people can use a different link to access it. If you want to hack FCR, make a new Game Lab project and copy the source code into it, then just log out of your account and try to hack it. @DragonFireGames you beat me to it
DragonFireGames this is the hosted backend: https://cdo-backend.onrender.com/ here is the code behind it: https://github.com/DragonFireGames/cdo-backend/tree/main https://github.com/DragonFireGames/cdo-projects/tree/main The FCR account data is the same across all instances of FCR since it is not stored on code.org, it is stored in a mongoDB. Binary_Coder nah you did
SquirrelGuy-5 #python code test x = 5; print(x); //Java code test public class MyJava { public static void main(String[] args) { int x = 5; System.out.println(x); } }
altZany SquirrelGuy-5 I feel like this is a stupid question but I am dying to know... How did you make the code different colors?
SquirrelGuy-5 altZany instead of using one pair of backticks (`code {}`), use them like this: ```code {}``` You’ll get a result like dis: var hello = "Hello World!"; Also, @[WUT] Adam told me u can specify the language after the first three backticks