altZany In applab, if you plan on blocking the data browser make the name of the table 'A' because arranges data tables in alphabetical order and the data browser only reads the first data table upon startup meaning that you can't stop someone from deleting your data if it isn't the first table. while loops will crash your computer it is way less laggier to use setInterval() or timedLoop() instead of a while() loop. Just set the timedLoop() or setInterval to 1 so it runs the code every millisecond, so unless you have an insane reaction time it should work perfectly.
ackvonhuelio altZany altZany while loops will crash your computer only if you aren't using them correctly
SquirrelGuy-5 altZany lol. I don’t need data browser. I hack with the inspect console. I’ve don’t it before and I can do it again. Hehe
altZany SquirrelGuy-5 Are you fooling around or did you actually not read the first 6 words of the post?