SquirrelGuy-5 DragonFireGames and HTML is used to program websites, so technically it is in a way, a programming language.
DragonFireGames SquirrelGuy-5 Alright, use pure HTML to calculate the first 100 digits of PI using any algorithm you'd like
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 html is by definition a markup language. Its actually hilarious how misinformed you are. In order for it it be a programming language, you have to be able to do things like basic math and store variables, which you cannot do in HTML
DragonFireGames SquirrelGuy-5 Try out a mix of https://render.com and Github. You could also use Replit and I could just fork the repl to test your code.
SquirrelGuy-5 DragonFireGames lol you’re funny. I meant that HTML is used to build and code the basic structure of a website, not perform calculations meant for something like JavaScript. Oh and I’ll try GitHub, thx
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 mf if you don't even know how to use github there is no fucking way you are compotent enough to exploit any code vulnerabilities. You couldnt even tell me what an RCE or an IDOR attack is.
peptobepto Lil-Starcast i genuinely can't tell if you're shitposting or not lmao. the inspect console doesnt hack websites. Its for editing things LOCALLY. That means there is very little way to affect the backend unless its coded terribly. Coming up with a solution to a problem is a sign of bare sentience, not intelligence. Also, my goal is to protect cdo, not your little autist feelings.
DragonFireGames peptobepto Let him cook, I want to see if he can do my challenge. Give him a break until he finishes it.
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 lists off basic data storage types found in any modern programming language claims he knows everything about javascript this guy's a genius
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 go to tryhackme.com, spool up a parrot or kali vm if you're not already on a debian based linux distro, and do the vulniversity box without a walkthrough. You're giving off mad script kiddie vibes with how you present yourself and its super fucking obnoxious. Either you don't know what you're talking about, or youre super fucking autistic.
SquirrelGuy-5 peptobepto peptobepto, you use that word a whole lot, and it’s NOT protecting CDO. Also you can actually store variable with HTML using the <var> tag. Do you know nothing about programming?
Captain_Jack_Sparrow DragonFireGames CSS is not a markup language; it is a style sheet language that defines the presentation of other markup languages like HTML. ackvonhuelio WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR COMPUTER?!?!
Captain_Jack_Sparrow peptobepto I decided i was to lazy to site any more scores after the 5 page essay.
Captain_Jack_Sparrow SquirrelGuy-5 can HTML us an "if" statement? According to google there is no possible way to use an "if" statement in HTML.
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 yea but its poor practice to use it. There are plenty of alternatives and if im not mistaken, its a security risk too.
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 ur right i should just let children be exposed to pornographic images through fcr and not safe for work roleplays on brandon chats. Ill just sit back and let potentially bad actors find their way into an unmoderated mess of a chatroom filled with vulnerable children.
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 brother i done been coding in python, java, and lua for a while. I'd tell you to check my github but its clear you have no idea how to use it. As for the html thing. Im not a web dev so I wouldn't really know or care too much about that.
SquirrelGuy-5 Also guys, I’ve learned WAY more home-schooling than the average grade student at a public school would know. And peptobepto? I want to know if you can hack FCR. If you can’t, oooh sweet Mario!
peptobepto SquirrelGuy-5 omg guys we found out why hes so socially inept and cringe inducing. this guys fucked in the real world lmao
altZany SquirrelGuy-5 Why would you want to hack an open source chat that can easily be copy and pasted throughout code.org? You have won, but at what cost?