ItsDannyBruh Update 7 is here and this is what it features: -Normal mode reworks -Special normal mode boss (little boy, weaker version of big boy) -Knight boss -Click strength does 2+ more damage instead of 1+ damage over time -Bug fixes Play Barricade today!
Captain_Jack_Sparrow ItsDannyBruh Hey, someone (not me) hacked the view counter. Now it says some very inappropriate stuff. I tried to fix but I don't know how. Also could you teach me to fix the view counter? It is a very popular target.
altZany Captain_Jack_Sparrow You can't necessarily 'fix' the view counter unless you monitor it 24/7 and know the exact amount of views but you could use Xenon or Randon or Vault to help disable them when remixed. but there is a certain url that can search projects and alter data.
Captain_Jack_Sparrow altZany you can't fix it all the way but you could reset it and make it not say what it says right now. [edit: he did fix it. thanks!]
Captain_Jack_Sparrow ItsDannyBruh i made a fan game cause i was bored. Barricade Fan Game. I changed thing's costumes and made it so the middle bullet does 4 damage instead of 3.
ItsDannyBruh Captain_Jack_Sparrow recommend something: Change prompts to say it is a fan game because not all people will take the time to read prompts so they will think it was all by you so just change it to like: by Fred lightning original by ItsDannyBruh