hello everyone, since my last post seems to have disappeared with this topic introducing my https extension for both gamelab and applab! it includes all sorts of stuff beyond your average get request as well though i imagine this is what it will mostly be used for.... but nonetheless if this interests you feel free to check it out!
Library Key: fMFcCGkaN9uyBLkF8nZ5lmb2arPxWnAFMrq2c0asGWg
Note: using HTTPS.request will default the usage case to which ever environment you add this library to, best of luck!
Also any request that isn't successful will not be returned back, this is due to CDO's media API sometimes dropping requests though your free to change it and make it your own if necessary
If you wish to host this back end yourself and not use my back end message me here for it and I'll eventually get back to you for it
Many thanks: Varrience