TNitro7669 MonsterYT_DaGamer Welp it's definitely been some time and mobile support hasn't come out yet. Mobile version for Tatertale is coming out soon (for real).
TNitro7669 birthdayboy224 That is a bug I cannot fix. I made it so that you spawn on the battle activation area so the glitch doesn't appear. It doesn't appear like that for me, since in the game you spawn on the area so the bug doesn't happen.
TNitro7669 ItsDannyBruh This is why I already hired playtesters 😐 And "Official Release" means that there are no more separate release project updates (I'll update within the project) ItsDannyBruh I fixed the bug it was a stupid bug (something to do with the background)
ItsDannyBruh TNitro7669 and d you never beat phase 2 how do you know it’s even beatable nobody would know if it’s beatable if the developer didn’t do playtest it
person Ok so on mobile there is a joystick and a button that's it I'm pretty sure button is space and arrows are the joystick No z
ackvonhuelio TNitro7669 when pressing the back arrow, the left and right arrow should be reversed like an actual car
TNitro7669 ackvonhuelio I actually observed some fangames in order to find out how arrow keys work. I don't know if you mean the blue heart on the top of the box, or screen flip, or black heart, but the arrow key logic seems right.
TNitro7669 TNitro7669 Took a ridiculously long time (was slacking off on making mobile), but it's here: (and yes it's a different link, I don't want to embed mobile mode inside of the PC version)