Here is the new card format btw:
name:"DragonFireGames", // Name
rarity:"Legendary", // Rarity
hp:5200, // Starting HP
def: 5000, // Max HP for heals
image:"", // Thumbnail
offx: 1, // Offset the thumbnail in the x direction, range: (-1,1)
offy: 0, // Offset the thumbnail in the y direction, range: (-1,1)
hoverDesc: "The dev of FCR and Codémon.", // Description from hover
desc: "The developer of FCR. Good at game development as well but loves tech demos. Takes pride in their use of keyValues & outside sites. Made Codémon.", // Long description
hpcol: 255, // color of hp
//isEX: true // Defaults to true for legendary/epic/god cards, false otherwise
effectModifiers: { // Status modifiers
"Laggy": 0.5, // If a number it will multiply the lvl by that number
"Frozen": function(e) { // Function to apply to the effect
e.turns /= 2;
return e;
moves:[{ // List of all moves
name:"Admin", // Name
description:"Strike your opponent down for 300 ATK. Each time this move is used, its damage increases by 100 ATK.", // What does it do?
cost:1, // Cost in points
cooldown:1, // How many turns before it can be used again
target:"opp", // Target: "opp" "self" "none" or a custom function
use:function(opp,self) { // Code for how it works:
self.admindmg += 100;
//flavor: "text", // Optional flavor text
name:"Lag Bomb",
description:"Lag out your opponent with 3D minecraft so they can only attack every other turn for 4 turns. Deal 200 ATK.",
use:function(opp,self) {
name:"Special - Reflection",
description:"Hack and deal as much damage as health missing by all of your cards in your hand.",
target:function(use,card,opp,self) { // Target will be run only once
var dmg = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < self.hand.length; i++) {
dmg += max(self.hand[i].def-self.hand[i].hp,0);
use:function(sel,dmg) { // Use will be run on both players | WARNING: | do not put random or card pickers in here
//flavor: "text", // Optional flavor text
setup:function(card) { // Called when card instance is created
card.admindmg = 0;
//onselect:function(card,opp,self) { // Called when card enters hand (optional)
// // Code here
//onturn:function(card,opp,self) { // Called every turn in hand
// // Code here
ondefeat:function(killer,card,opp,self) { // Called when card defeated (optional)
killer.hit(100); // Hits the killer for 100 HP
profile: ""