innerHTML is a way in to insert html into your project similar to the way you can insert CSS using setStyle()
This is very useful for making things look better in you project and having better UI in your project. If you have an applab project that you want to submit in the LGM awards, you better read this article because @LGM_Productions graded Math Quest pretty harshly because it was bad UI.
To start, make a text area that covers the whole screen. Then, insert this into the text area (Robbed this from @LGM_Productions, sorry not sorry...)
"<div style='font-family: Franklin Gothic Medium, Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro,system-ui,-apple-system,Arial,sans-serif; background-color: white; border-radius: 8px;'><h2 style='font-size: 15px; color:black;'><strong>{}<strong></h2><br><p style='font-size: 12px;'>{}</p><br><br><a href='{event.url}'><button style='border-radius: 8px;'>Open Link</button></a><br></div>"
After putting this into the text area copy and paste the following code
innerHTML("text_area1", getText("text_area1"))
As you can see, it makes a box with random stuff in it. But thats not the point. The point is that you can make things look really good and more organized. To learn what the hell I just made you type into the text are refer to Khan Academy's (Direct @ackvonhuelio reference) Basic HTML and CSS course for free!!!
Try copy and pasting the weird code in multiple times and BOOM, scrolling machine with boxes right there!!!
Basically, takes the text inside the text area and runns it through HTML, after that, it is converted to p5.js and printed onto the screen.