peptobepto ackvonhuelio a fair few of them are and have been. Almost all of my detractors are the people who use these chats and most of those people use them for terrible reasons. This individual, whom I do not know, isnt upset that im fighting chats, they're upset im calling them out and holding them accountable for being degenerates in these chats
ackvonhuelio seek wait a second... seek I know you want to protect kids from online predators but chats are rated 13 plus for a reason uhh i may be stupid but aren't 13 year olds still kids
peptobepto ackvonhuelio LMAO yea its clear this dude still in middle school, if not elementary. He does not realize that I am doing this to protect him
DragonFireGames peptobepto Though to be honest, most kids (teenagers) know a lot more than the horrible things that go on in a bad chat room. It is quite sad, I feel like most of my peer group has seen at least some highly inappropriate material on the internet at one point. It's not like someone who is already corrupted needs protection.
peptobepto Aalie_oop teenagers are still kids. Merriam Webster defines a kid as a "young person" and one of the examples used is "kids in high school" if high schoolers are kids, then teenagers can be referred to as kids
peptobepto INTERNECION currently engaging in cyberwarfare against people who're younger than minecraft
ackvonhuelio Aalie_oop in the context that seek is putting this in, seek you want to protect kids from online predators above the age of consent which is 18 I think lets stop talking about this the whole online predator/pedo thing with cdo chats has an icky vibe
gZany ackvonhuelio agreed. And honestly, if you are a 22 year old predator looking for kids on an online chat that has the same qualities as an iPhone 5 I would be genuinely scared.
gZany peptobepto The lowest age you can be is 13. Since Minecraft was created in 2011 you would be 12 (unless your birthday is Jan 1-5) which is one year younger than the allowed age.
gZany person I don’t think this is a serious threat. It’s not necessarily directed towards peptobepto but rather all of project r3d. he only mentions him because he is the ringleader