Varrience DragonFireGames add a comment, you made a change recently in which drastically improved the project, problem solved
DragonFireGames Varrience Technically, in the time since August 15th, FCR did go through an insane amount of upgrades.
Varrience Ravage never! 👀 quick he isn't looking! add a bunch of easter eggs that break the program for no reason 🔥 along with random keystrokes freezing the tab
Ravage ackvonhuelio You like manipulating people (with the coins and Verified role). @Varrience is suggesting manipulating LGM by telling them that FCR was "revamped" recently. He interpreted my comment as you adding stupid features to your games (old lore I guess)?
LGM_Productions DragonFireGames Well, It does break one rule stated in the google forum, however, I’ll allow it because, why not.
Ravage person I ALMOST made the 1st place icon the GigaChad... thank Adam for saving you LMAO (Zedong).
Ravage person Never use the moai as gigachad if you don't want to get perma-banned. My eyes are burning right now.
Ravage ackvonhuelio You were second pick on my list (person was 1st). I asked @INTERNECION who he thought would be best. Guess who the admin, who has experience being an admin, picked.