Before reading this, note that I just found this hilarious and wanted to share because this is a forum, after all.
I was randomly peeking at the CDO gallery (which I do randomly, whenever I feel it) and I saw this cool clock project: link. Now, the thing itself is actually pretty nice, but here's where it gets funny. If you go to view, we see the following text by our boy Sam:
"This project also has inspect console hack protection, which you can use,
The inspect console protection took me forever to make, and its better than the ravage vault."
Despite the weird @Varrience -style phrases, you should already see a problem: didn't we prove on this forum that blocking the inspect console was literally impossible??? The library does not block the inspect console (tested by me, you can try yourself), obviously, and in fact, does not even block the view mode! I'm pretty sure that all it does is block the //edit and /edit.html, but I can't verify, because I don't have an account anymore, thanks to our dear friends the CDO staff.
The best part? The hack protection goes inside the draw loop!
As it is written in the clock project:
"NOTE: use this as a library and put library function in the draw() function."
Idiots be idiots...
Somebody please find a way to tell Sam about this, how it is definitely not "better than the ravage vault" (where's the respect to the elders?), and give me his reaction.