-wyi Fluffypoopo you telling me you reported a ton of random games? To get back at the operators of code.org? The hell?
Fluffypoopo -wyi no I used the report function to try to get Locus back and nothing so My AI is sending a report to the something else thing trying to get someone to respond to me so I can get Locus back
Fluffypoopo ASmartCoder So basically I spent a large chunk of my life working on a project and code.org deleted it and I messaged them about it multiple times and nothing still so I am done playing their games
ASmartCoder Also guys I deleted everything else except for the app version and I will try a different formula
Fluffypoopo Like all they need to do is respond to me and give me Locus back nothing more nothing less
Fluffypoopo So I crashed my entire schools internet so they deleted and blocked all my stuff apps, extensions and everything
-wyi please teach me how to do this. I was working on a game with a story and progress, and quit cause I couldn't figure out how to make it save- what
Varrience -wyi Well i don't have time at the moment to put up something I may just put up a separate post going over how it works that is if i don't feel like doo doo by then but I'll get around to doing it soon, hopefully you won't mind waiting
Fluffypoopo well they need to work on their internet because god if I can crash it with the cheapest HP laptop they could find then there is an issue
-wyi Fluffypoopo I literally have no idea what either of those are. CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN HOW TO USE THIS STUFF OH MY FRICKING GOD.
Fluffypoopo -wyi so you have a Key and a Value and you need to look up the key for it to output the value